Java General Tips
Unicode Characters are expressed as 4 character hex codes e.g. c = "\u45c7" .
Scientific numerical literals such as 1E2 are assigned to double data types by default.
The default type of any numeric literal with a decimal point is double.
integer and long operations / and % can throw ArithmeticException whilst float / and % do not - not even with divide by zero.
Negative binary numbers are the same as their positive equivalents 1 , with bits reversed.
( -1 >> anything ) = -1 and is always promoted to at least int type.
( -1 & anything ) = anything, since 1 is all 1 bits.
The &sim operator is actually a typo in some books for "~" (bitwise integral inversion).
In range literal assignments are allowed for byte , short and char primitive data types.
The Math.random() method produces a number >= 0.0 and < 1.0 .
Angles passed to Math.sin(), cos() or tan() are expressed in Radians.
The Math class is immutable.
The expression -0.0 == 0.0 returns true.
Valid boolean literals are true¡± and false¡± only.
The expression for ( ; ; ) { } is an infinite loop therefore it will compile.
Static methods are called once at class load time.
Static methods can not be overridden, nor can final methods.
Methods may not have the same name as the constructor(s).
Constructors CAN be private, as in the Math class - but it is not common.
Constructors can throw ANY exception.
Initializer blocks are executed in the order of their declaration.
Instance initializers get executed ONLY IF the objects are constructed.
The main() method can be declared final.
Static methods can not use non-static features of the class. The main() method can not reference unqualified non-static methods.
You can access and use static methods and variables e.g. Math.round() and Math.PI.
Access modifiers dictate which classes NOT instances may access features.
Access modifiers are only used on class level variables, with rare exceptions.
(Local) Inner classes in methods can access final variables inside the enclosing method or its parameters. They may also access the non-static data of the enclosing class.
Methods of a static inner class can not access instance variables of the enclosing class, only static ones.
Inner classes can have any access modifier, but those defined within a method can not. Such a class is private to that block. Inner classes in a block may not be static.
No inner class can have a static member.
Garbage collection takes place (possibly) sometime after an object is no longer being used. Assign null to a variable when you have finished using it.
A method of the form : public Object pop() { return storage[index--]; } will cause a memory leak.
12 years ago